Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shawl update

I am plugging away at my shawl, its a great roadtrip project because its pretty easy. The only challenge is keeping up with what stitch pattern to do on a row because there are two that are very similar. Stitch markers to the rescue! They keep track for me, its perfect!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

New project- shawl

I am starting a new shawl that I found on Ravelry. The green original is really pretty but I decided to go with a more neutral charcoal. Its off to a slow start but I think it will be worth it in the end.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Cast on- long tail Snapguide

Snapguide is my new favorite app (well, after Pinterest). This new app helps you create short tutorials with pictures and video from your phone. This app makes my teacher heart very happy :)

I posted my first guide so check it out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Long Tail Cast On

Not sure where to begin? Watch short video and you will be off to a good start!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Knitting - The Craft of Choice

This is it, my very first post on a fancy new blog and I am ready to go! I have always loved any and all craft projects and I always find myself fiddling with something new. My latest crafting passion is knitting and it is shaping up to be right up my alley.
Top 5 reasons knitting is my craft of choice:
1. Knitting requires very few tools and accessories which makes it easy to move and keep track of.
2. Knitting can be a very cost efficient craft as long as you have a good set of needles. There are yarns that will meet any budget.
3. Knitting can be done anywhere, anytime. Your latest project can accompany you in the car, on the train or even on a cruise.
4. Knitting can be a welcome distraction to keep you interest during dull conversations or during movies that your husand makes you watch.
5. Knitting offers projects that are practical as well as just plain fun!

What are your top reasons to knit?

My husband is amused by my latest interest in this seemingly antique hobby and recently bought me this book which shows his love and support of my latest adventure!